What is Myrcene Cannabis Terpene?

By: Carmen Rivera

What is the myrcene cannabis terpene? Myrcene (mur-seen), is one of the most common terpenes found in cannabis. Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in many plants.

Plants that contain myrcene include: thyme, mangoes, and West Indian bay tree.. People commonly associate myrcene with cannabis because cannabis plants contain high concentrations of this terpene. Research shows that your average cannabis strain contains 2 mg of myrcene per quarter gram.

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Fun fact: Terpenes protect the plants from animal grazing or infectious germs

Myrcene benefits

According to studies, there are multiple beneficial connections between myrcene and several major cannabinoids, including THC and CBD.

· CBD + myrcene: Decreases inflammation, fights cancer, reduces pain.

· CBG + myrcene: Anti-cancer.

· THC + myrcene: Analgesic (reduces pain) and muscle relaxant; enhanced sedative and tranquilization benefits.

Myrcene is a medicinal shrub typically from Brazil used to treat diabetes, diarrhea, dysentery, and hypertension. Myrcene is also known to have powerful anti-inflammatory and anticatabolic effects in humans. Studies show that myrcene can help prolong deep sleep as well.

Cannabis strains and Myrcene

The following strains of cannabis contain myrcene terpenes which are derived from OG Kush:

Banana Kush- Soothing effects leave you in a euphoric state within hours of consumption. This Sativa is popular amongst those who suffer from PTSD. 

Girl Scout Cookies- Unlike any other terpene, this strain’s profile combines earthy, sweet, and minty notes. This hybrid is a mellow strain that is sure to boost your appetite.

Lime OG- Tough day? Relax with this Indica strain. Also used to treat muscle spasms and anxiety.

SFV OG- A cousin of OG kush, this Sativa strain mellows you out without the couch-lock feeling. Perfect for a stressful day.

Skywalker OG- Need to clear your mind? This blueberry flavored Indica is sure to help with its mellowing effects.

Thin Mint Cookies- a great combination of Indica and Sativa, this strain will take the edge off while relieving pain. This strain is known for helping those who suffer from schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety.


What are the effects of Myrcene?

A. Studies suggest that myrcene tends to encourage the infamous “couch-lock” brought on by THC and high concentrations of myrcene. Couch-lock is a common term used by cannabis smokers referring to being so high that they feel locked to the couch.

Depending on the strain, myrcene can give you joyful and euphoric effects, in addition to an overall feeling of relaxation. Since individuals needs vary, choosing the right strain is up to you. 

Does Myrcene get you higher?

A. Some wonder if high levels of myrcene can intensify the effects of THC. It is important to note that cannabis contains hundreds of ingredients. No one knows which other chemicals affect the myrcene-THC connection.

If you google the connection between myrcene and THC you are likely to come across the “mango myth”. According to this myth, consuming mangoes before smoking some good old hashish, will get you even higher.

Mangoes are high in myrcene and are said to increase the feeling of relaxation. So while you may already be high, the myrcene in the mangoes help you relax a bit more. A study published in 2019 indicated that myrcene is thought to positively interact with THC, extending its psychoactive effects.

What does Myrcene smell like?

A. Myrcene has a fruity flavor similar to grapes and balsamic along with a musky earthy smell like that of cloves and spice. 

Regardless of your preference for cannabis strain; one thing is for sure, cultivators are working tirelessly to ensure access to strains that fit everyone’s needs. New strains are being created regularly to find the right medicine for a specific patient’s unique disease, preference, and lifestyle. 

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Carmen Rivera is a writer who focuses on cannabis culture and lifestyle.

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