What is Terpinolene? Everything To Know About This Cannabis Terpene

By: Jake Tessler

When looking closely at a cannabis strain, little white hairs cover the plant.

These are known as trichomes and they produce terpenes and cannabinoids.

When the plant is decarboxylated and properly treated, this creates THC and CBD.

RELATED: What are Terpenes: Everything You Need to Know

Cannabinoids are chemical compounds produced by the human body and likewise, a marijuana plant, allowing the body receptors to receive it, leading to that euphoric feeling many smokers are familiar with. 

Cannabis terpenes are responsible for the aroma of the plant and are incredibly complex.

Terpenes are composed of hydrogen and carbon and are produced by many other plants too; they are one of the main ingredients in plant resin and essential oils.

Currently, scientists are evaluating whether cannabis terpenes illicit different effects than terpenes from other plants due to its direct compatibility with cannabinoids.

Overall, there are countless combinations of compounds and scents that can be created with cannabis and terpinolene is known as the rarest form. 

What is Terpinolene cannabis terpene? 

Terpinolene is a cannabis terpene known for its outdoorsy and fresh smell.

In fact, many of you have probably smelled it before without realizing. Coniferous trees produce terpinolene and the pine cones that fall from those trees produce that aroma.

They populate the Northern Hemisphere and are quite common. Terpinolene is actually one of the more interesting terpenes due to its numerous scents.

For example, other terpenes like limonene and pinene smell like, as you may guess, lemon and pine.

This form, however, also comes from nutmeg, lilac, citrus, apples, sage, rosemary, and tea trees.

Most notably, is its fresh woods smell that results in it commonly being used in soaps, cleaning products, and other fragrances.

Oils and lotions are another great way to utilize terpinolene’s unique aromas. Other plants that produce terpinolene include celery, parsnips, and turnips.

Terpinolene is fascinating because one of its least common uses right now is as a cannabis terpene as it is found in many different forms in nature.

With the studies that have been done currently, research indicates that there are many great benefits to this terpene. 

What are the Terpinolene benefits?

Terpinolene’s benefits are exciting and far ranging. Due to its fresh quality and appearance in many forms of nature, scientists have been able to experiment with different plants to achieve a broader understanding of its positive effects. 

Antibacterial/Antifungal Properties: One notable study that concluded these properties was conducted in 2005 when researchers studied a plant with a 20% terpinolene makeup and found that it was very effective in fighting E. coli and other pathogens.

Tea Tree oil is another great way to utilize its antifungal property. This is part of the reason terpinolene is commonly found in soaps and cleaning agents. 

Reduce Heart Disease: The antioxidants found in nutrients with terpinolene have been found to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Another 2005 study concluded that terpinolene can “inhibit the oxidative modification of low-density lipoproteins.

This protective effect could possibly retard atherogenesis and in consequence avoid coronary heart diseases.”

Help Destroy Cancer Cells: According to a 2012 study, it does this by “downregulating particular cell proteins especially involved in causing metastasis.”

Metastasis is the process of cancer cells spreading in the human body via the bloodstream and slowing this process down could be monumental in helping ultimately find cures for different types of cancers. 

Sedative/Analgesic Properties: Terpinolene is great for the calming effect commonly associated with cannabis.

It is known to relax the whole body and can be great for anxiety and physical pain relief. This terpene can also aid with insomnia. 

Aiding Children with Disabilities: There has not been long term research but initial findings have indicated the terpinolene can help with autism, ADD, and epilepsy.

It helps by slowing down brain function when it normally is overloaded or acts irregularly, allowing it to be safely used as a beneficial method for treatment.  

What are Terpinolene terpene strains of cannabis?

Dutch Treat: Sativa strain with low amounts of CBD. It is known for its uplifting and stress relieving effects and its fruity aroma make it popular in Amsterdam coffee shops. 

Sour Tangie: It is 80% sativa with a creative and an energetic buzz effect. This strain grows quickly indoors, taking about 9-10 weeks.

Jack Herer: Sativa dominant hybrid strain that has many different variations with stress relieving and creative effects. A fun fact is that this strain is actually named after the author of the book The Emperor Wears No Clothes.

Pineapple Kush: Sativa strain that is great for relieving chronic pain and still allowing the user to be functional. This can almost be used as a desert as it is described as having a pineapple aroma with hints of caramel, butter, and mint. One reviewer said they used pineapple flavored wraps and felt like they were smoking a pina colada… it is great for the summer. 

Shipwreck: While this is sativa dominant, it can cause couch lock as it gives off a strong body buzz that will make the user feel very mellow. It can also help with sleeping later.

Orange Cookies: The first pure hybrid on the list that has a very strong citrus taste and causes a calming cerebral high that leaves someone happy and relaxed.

Sour Tsunami: One of the only terpinolene strains that is high in CBD and low in THC, making it great for reducing chronic pain and inflammation. Like Sour Tangie, it also flowers quickly in about 9-10 weeks.

Golden Pineapple: Sativa strain with a fruity tropical taste. It is great for stress relief and to reduce depression. While it gives you energy, it is a potent strain with high amounts of THC and may not be the best for achieving specific tasks. 


What is Terpinolene used for?

It has many uses, but it is commonly used in fragrances, cleaning products, soaps, and lotions. 

What are the effects of Terpinolene?

Common effects include cerebral highs that greatly reduce stress and help with chronic pain. Long term effects that are still being studied include reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer. 

What does Terpinolene smell like?

Terpinolene is known for its outdoorsy and fresh smell. As it is found in many parts of nature like pine cones, its fresh wood aroma makes it great for things like fragrances and soaps. 

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Jake Tessler is a writer who focuses on cannabis culture and lifestyle. 

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