CBD Smoothie Recipes to Soothe Inflammation

By: Loren Lee Chiesi

Smoothies and CBD are the current rock stars of superfood health, with good reason.

Smoothies are a convenient, portable way to include fresh fruits and vegetables into our diets.

They are also seriously scrumptious, which make them ideal for picky palettes and curbing cravings. 

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CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a chemical compound derived from the Cannabis sativa plant (commonly known as hemp.)

It is a naturally occurring substance that’s used in products like oils and edibles to impart a feeling of relaxation and calm.

But CBD’s super powers don’t stop at just helping us to chill out. Studies have shown that CBD can also reduce pain and inflammation in the body.

The non-psychotropic compound found naturally in cannabis plants (when distilled into oils and tinctures) offers all the pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory benefits of cannabis — without the high.

CBD is also non-habit forming and can be used as a supplement for both children and adults (minding appropriate dosages for age, height, and weight). 

Inflammation is our bodies’ natural reaction to overstimulation or irritation.

It provides an important stress response that lets us know that our bodies are not processing foods, allergens, or other chemical reactions effectively.

In fact, inflammation is the root cause of many chronic illnesses such as gastritis, arthritis, and asthma. But we don’t need to have a chronic illness to experience inflammation.

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Common seasonal ailments such as heat rashes, sunburns, dehydration, and hay fever are all expressions of inflammation in the body.  

All of the smoothies are also very low on the Glycemic Index (GI), as excess sugar consumption has been shown to increase body-wide inflammation.

With an international pandemic looming and the hottest days of summer yet ahead, inflammation due to prolonged stress, grief, quarantine comfort-snacking, and increased heat and humidity is on the rise.

These CBD-infused smoothies offer a cooling reprieve from the summer heat, make a quick and easy nutrient-dense meal, and can reduce inflammation in the body.

When choosing a CBD nutritional supplement, opt for oils or tinctures that contain at least 16 mg of full-spectrum CBD.

Be sure to check with a healthcare professional before using any CBD products to avoid adverse health effects or drug interactions.

Then, in the spirit of endless summer, grab your sunscreen and kitchen mixer, and dive headlong into these delicious smoothies. Cheers! 

CBD smoothie recipes for inflammation

Creamy Cukamelon Cooler

cbd smoothie

This smoothie is as refreshing as it is nutritious. 

Summer heat can create inflammation, and changes in humidity and sun exposure can exacerbate inflammation in the skin, joints, and digestive system.

This smoothie’s superstar ingredients are avocado, cucumber, and watermelon.

Both are low on the GI. Watermelon contains lycopene, an antioxidant that reduces free-radicals, which cause inflammation; cucumber, which contains magnesium; and potassium, which helps keep the body hydrated.

The avocado contains saponins, chemical compounds that are proven to significantly reduce inflammation.

Blend all ingredients together and drink within 3 hours. Makes two 16-oz servings.

  • 1 whole avocado, peeled and pitted
  • 1 whole cucumber, peeled and sliced
  • 1 cup sliced watermelon, deseeded and no rind
  •  ½ cup fresh filtered water (add more water if smoothie is too thick)
  • 2 tablespoons chopped, fresh mint leaves (optional, add more to taste)
  • 5 drops Emily Kyle 16 mg Full Spectrum CBD oil

Oh Ree Ohhhhs Sweet Smoothie

cbd smoothie recipe

This recipe will stimulate your sweet tooth and nostalgia for childhood ice cream trucks while simultaneously supporting the body’s natural anti-inflammatory system.

Flavanols in dark chocolate are powerful antioxidants that decrease inflammation in arteries and soft tissues in the body.

Bananas naturally produce the compounds kaempferol and quercetin, which multiple studies have shown to protect healthy cells and reduce inflammation.

Dates and oats are high-fiber, low GI foods. Fiber feeds healthy bacteria microbiomes in the digestive system, which has shown to reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Blend all ingredients together and drink within 24 hours. Makes two 16-oz servings.

  • 2 medium-sized bananas
  • 8 pitted dates
  • 1 cup oat milk (or milk/dairy alternative of your choice)
  • 2 tablespoons dark chocolate cocoa powder, 70% cacao or higher
  • ½ cup fresh filtered water (add more water if smoothie is too thick)
  • ½ cup oatmeal flakes
  • 5 drops Emily Kyle 16 mg Full Spectrum CBD oil 

Queen of Greens Smoothie

cbd green smoothie

What kind of self-respecting smoothie list would not feature a classic green smoothie?

The spinach and spirulina in this blend not only provide the emerald hue, but also pack a mighty inflammation-busting punch.

Spinach, spirulina, and honeydew are loaded with Vitamin K, which prevents inflammation and early signs of aging.

Pistachios are chock-full of polyphenols, which modulate enzyme activity and regulate inflammation at the cellular level.

Green tea has been touted for centuries due to its healing properties.

Modern science has confirmed that the high quantity of catechins, powerful antioxidants found in tea, makes green tea the leading variety of tea to ward off inflammation.

Blend all ingredients together and drink within 12 hours.  Makes two 16-oz servings.

  • 2 tablespoons pistachio butter (or nut butter of choice)
  • ½ cup frozen spinach (or 1 cup fresh)
  • 1 tablespoon spirulina powder
  • 1 cup chilled green tea (add more tea if smoothie is too thick)
  • 1 cup honeydew melon, sliced and deseeded
  • 5 drops Emily Kyle 16 mg Full Spectrum CBD oil

Berry Jane Blend

cbd smoothie recipe

Berries are adorably plump, sweet little bubbles of sweetness.

However,  they also moonlight as first-class anti-inflammatories. 

Berries contain antioxidants called anthocyanins, which give berries their unique colors, as well as working in the body as potent inflammation reducers.

Dietary hemp powders are not only high in protein and good fats, but also contain lignanamides which have strong antioxidant properties that curb inflammation.

Pomegranate is no shrinking violet in this superfood smoothie. Punicalagins, the antioxidants in pomegranate juice, have been shown to soothe inflammation in the tissues of the digestive tract. 

Blend all ingredients together and drink within 24 hours. Makes two 16-oz servings.

  • 1 large banana
  • ½ cup frozen strawberries
  • ½  cup frozen blueberries
  • 2 tablespoons hemp protein powder
  • ½ cup pomegranate juice (look for no added sugar options)
  • 1 cup fresh filtered water (add more water if smoothie is too thick)
  • 5 drops Emily Kyle 16 mg Full Spectrum CBD oil

RELATED: THC & CBD-Infused Grill Recipes To Try This Summer

Loren Lee Chiesi is a writer who focuses on cannabis culture and lifestyle. 

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