The Elevation of Intimacy

The 5 Types of Intimacy and how Cannabis can Make Them Better

Different elements in a relationship make it sustainable and long-lasting, but the most notable is intimacy. There are five different types of intimacy: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and social. If you want to strengthen your relationship and deepen your bond through the five types of intimacy, you might try toys, couple’s activities, or cannabis to elevate your relationship. Intimacy, in its many forms, is the glue of a relationship and can cause emotional distance without this bond. In this article, you’ll explore the five types of intimacy and how cannabis can influence your relationship for the better.


Physical intimacy is the most well-known type of intimacy. For some, physical intimacy is just sex, but there’s more to it. Affectionate touching helps build closeness, a vital part of maintaining the emotional aspects of a relationship. Cannabis heightens the senses, and if you and your partner decide to smoke one before cuddling, expect the release of oxytocin (the feel-good hormone). Due to the increased sensitivity and arousal, cannabis provides pleasure, and touching will feel more intense; also, cannabis slows down the perception of time, which means the feelings will last longer.


This intimacy allows you and your partner to build a deep, meaningful connection. This type requires the two of you to develop trust and vulnerability, sharing your deepest self along with your needs and wants. Having this level of awareness and openness in a relationship will help you and your partner support each other during difficult times. Cannabis helps heighten emotions and can cause the feeling of understanding and sometimes empathy, which is needed to strengthen the relationship. 


Intellectual intimacy involves having a healthy, curious mind and learning about your partner. Discourse on various topics without scrutinizing your views helps you connect and understand different perspectives. Ways to incorporate intellectual intimacy are watching a debate or going to a museum and discussing issues. It’s noted that adding cannabis can enhance cerebrally and help you to be calm during a controversial topic.


Spiritual intimacy involves sharing your beliefs about religion, morals, and the afterlife with your partner. It also encompasses listening to your partner’s beliefs, even if they are very different. This type of intimacy can magnify communication and feelings of connection. For centuries, weed has been used to elevate spiritual connections in rituals. In Ayurveda, one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems, cannabis is understood as a sacred healing plant connected with Lord Shiva. You and your partner can smoke together and have a moment to do yoga and meditate to promote well-being, spiritual unity, and togetherness.


Spending time together and socializing as a couple helps you learn from each other and discover shared interests. This is defined as social intimacy. Cannabis is both a social and personal activity; cannabis users report feelings of euphoria, calmness, and contemplation while smoking. Sharing a joint with your partner can bring you closer together, especially if you incorporate activities such as cooking, going to a paint and sip, going to the arcade, or just doing house chores together.

Intimacy is a journey in a relationship, and it takes experience, learning, and vulnerability to reach a level of beneficial and satisfactory intimacy for both parties. When you add the benefits of cannabis, it will take your relationship to the next level!

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